Thursday, October 12, 2023

When needs meet Artificial Intelligence: the beginning.

I have decided to start a new project. I need to set myself a short/medium-term goal to keep me busy. My life will soon take a toll on me and having an exciting project to distract me is vital. In the past I have tackled projects involving retrocomputers, a topic that I particularly love, so I revisited an idea I had some time ago, after I built a replica of the Apple 1 computer at the Embedded World 2019 fair, in Nuremberg, Germany. 

Four years have passed since then, and things have changed. My health has worsened, and the problems are limiting me greatly. I can't afford to do the same things, even though I love these projects, and so in order not to resign myself to fate, I have to work hard to do the same things but in a different way.

I've always wanted to have Jarvis, Tony Stark's artificial assistant. All Iron Man fans remember this scene...

But if we think about it, we are very close. Today with generative artificial intelligence, even I with my disabilities can have a helper who can put into practice what I have in mind. Of course, not at the same level, but hey, I'm a "MECHANIC", I just have to think what I can still do to do what I want to do!

Well, I decided to keep this blog, as a testimony, as proof to myself that I can still be useful. And I hope that anyone who finds themselves at the crossroads of their life can take courage from how much enthusiasm for life I will be able to share.

So, whenever you are in front of a change, remember...

Now, why would I need to use artificial intelligence? I have already created a replica of an Apple 1 computer in the past and I have already written several emulators for retrocomputers. My disability slows me down in many activities such as typing, browsing datasheets, and drawing diagrams. Having an AI assistant, along with voice dictation, will allow me to search and summarize very quickly.

I want to show how Artificial Intelligence can be of help as it is to me for my project.

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